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RFT - EZ 100

RFT - EZ 100 Receiver - Auxiliary Unit
The receiver auxiliary unit allows........
Aerial selection / Preselection for the range of 14khz to 30 MHz.
Receiver diversity operation Demodulation of the classes of emission F1 and F6.
This unit is a supplementary device for the receivers of type series EKD 100 and EKD 300. Operating with other types of receivers is possible with mods.
The band-pass filter can be switched in five subranges - 1,5 to 3 MHz / 3 to 5 MHz /
5 to 10 MHz / 10 to 20 MHz / 20 to 30 MHz.
Fine tuning with the preselector is performed by a variable capacitor ( Drehko )

EZ 100

In mil. Ausführung ( schwarz-grün ) sowie ziv. Ausführung ( grau-blau ) jeweils mit EKD 300